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Conservation Strategy Birds

More birds were called out in the conservation strategy as needing attention than all of the other groups of wildife combined. The 58 birds identified as strategy species in the Conservation Strategy are listed below. Click on their names to see their information in the wildlife viewer.

View the conservation strategy for birds (4 MB PDF file) showing the ecoregional distributions, special needs, limiting factors, data gaps and recommended conservation actions for these species, extracted from the conservation strategy.

The conservation strategy also identifies voluntary measures which will generally help all bird species. These are:

  • Minimize disturbance near nest sites during the breeding season.
  • Where feasible, maintain large-diameter hollow trees and tall, newly dead snags. Where safety regulations prevent snag maintenance or where snag numbers are below desired levels, create snags from green trees and retain high-cut stumps.
  • Minimize insect control near priority nest sites.
  • For some species in some areas, use nest box programs as a stop-gap measure until suitable nest sites are available. Maintain and monitor nest boxes.
  • Work cooperatively with landowners to delay mowing and other field management until after grassland birds have fledged. Similarly, plan prescribed fire to prevent impacts to bird nesting, reproduction and migration.
  • Encourage wind turbine and communication tower designs that minimize or eliminate impacts to wildlife.
  • Maintain suitable conditions for prey species in order to conserve avian predators. For example, a matrix of grasslands and low brush benefits jackrabbits, which are prey for ferruginous hawks.
