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Health and Wellness

Conservation Strategy Mammals

A total of 15 mammals were identified as strategy species in the Conservation Strategy. They are listed below. Click on their names to see their information in the wildlife viewer.

View the conservation strategy for mammals (2 MB PDF file) showing the ecoregional distributions, special needs, limiting factors, data gaps and recommended conservation actions.

The conservation strategy also identifies voluntary measures which will generally help all mammal species. These are:

  • Provide travel corridors between habitat blocks.
  • Maintain downed wood, especially large logs. Increase levels of downed wood, if determined to be deficient.
  • Where feasible, maintain large-diameter hollow trees and tall, newly dead snags.
  • Where safety regulations prevent snag maintenance or where snag numbers are below desired levels, create snags from green trees and retain high-cut stumps.
  • Manage rock features such as cliffs to avoid conflict with recreational use and rock removal.
  • Complete bridge replacement and maintenance when bats are absent.
  • Use site- and species-appropriate techniques to minimize human disturbance during critical periods and/or at critical areas (for example, use gates and seasonal closures at known bat maternity and winter roosts).
  • Encourage wind turbine and communication tower designs that minimize or eliminate impacts to wildlife.
  • Maintain and restore suitable conditions for prey species in order to conserve mammalian predators.

