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Collective Groups

Who To Contact To Learn More

If you are interested in learning more about what is happening on the ground in your part of Oregon, here are some places to start:

  • Watershed councils and soil and water conservation districts are local organizations that coordinate projects to restore watersheds, improve water quality and fish habitat, and more. Some also offer education and resources to residents and the public. Their specific focus depends on location.
  • Collective groups such as collaboratives and all-lands partnerships bring together agencies and other entities to plan, implement, and learn from forest and rangeland management projects. You can reach out to groups listed in your area to learn more about their current activities.
  • Oregon State University Extension has programs in Forestry and Natural Resources and Wildfire. These include local and regional faculty who can provide advice, and virtual and in-person training and learning opportunities on a range of topics.
  • Local Oregon Department of Forestry offices can offer landowner resources and assistance with forest management from trained stewardship foresters.
  • The Oregon State Fire Marshal’s office has regional fire risk reduction specialists who deliver training and education about how to prepare your home and surroundings for wildfire.
  • The Federal Forest Restoration Program has staff across the state. For more information on the cooperative forest health and wildfire risk reduction work performed by the program, please visit the program website.