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SLICES An information framework for a biologically effective Willamette River floodplain Content last updated in June 2017...
Oregon State University (OSU), the University of Oregon (UO), and Portland State University (PSU) are collaborating on a comprehensive, highly...
Several different aquatic indicators can describe the ecological health of a stream and watershed. Habitat Quantity and Quality Stream organisms...
Dams While many people think of dams in terms of large federal projects, such as Lookout Point (the reservoir with the largest maximum storage...
On the basis of anecdotal science and geological records, Oregon has a long history of seismic events. For example, anecdotal and...
At most times and in most places, surface water is abundant in the basin: in 1990, about 19,500 million gallons per day, equivalent to about 30,000...
A collective effort by all residents of the Basin can improve conditions for wildlife despite increasing human population. Conservation can take many...
Floodplains and riparian forests are some of the most dynamic zones of any landscape, and they contain some of the highest levels of biological...
By 1850, the Native American population had been greatly reduced by disease and forced removal, and the first major wave of EuroAmerican settlement...
The importance of the Willamette River Basin to Oregonians cannot be overemphasized.Nearly 70 per cent of Oregon's population or 1.9 million people...
