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Searched for: Thousand-Virgin
  1. Got Guts? The Iconic Streams of the U.S. Virgin Islands and the Law’s Ephemeral Edge

    48 pages

  2. Women in Power: The Unique Position of Vestal Virgins in Ancient Rome

    The Vestal Virgins, priestesses in Ancient Rome, were placed in an atypical position of power. They were given many religious responsibilities that replaced the traditional expectations for women of Antiquity....

  3. Divinity & Destiny: Marian Imagery in Rubens' Life of Marie de' Medici

    In 1622, the Dowager Queen of France, Marie de' Medici, had recently returned to Paris after a period of exile imposed by her son, Louis XIII, and commissioned a monumental cycle of images from Peter Paul...

  4. Estella

    This collection of short interconnected vignettes is centered on Estella, a young Mexican American woman, and the bicultural lens through which she sees the world. Each vignette is a part of a larger...

  5. If a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words, Shouldn’t We Address Our Image Scanning Standards?

    Article preprint.

  6. The Dichotomy of Pudicitia

    The lives of women in the Roman Republic were incredibly restricted and controlled by their male counterparts, yet key counters to this restriction are often overlooked, mainly that of a woman’s pudicitia....

  7. Holocene Settlement History of the Dundas Islands Archipelago, Northern British Columbia

    As this article demonstrates, the Dundas Islands have been home to humans for at least eleven thousand years. This occupation was at times very extensive; this relatively small group of islands was likely home...

  8. The Power of the People in Influencing the British Government: The Kindertransport

    The Kindertransport was a program implemented by Britain throughout Europe during World War II to save thousands of persecuted Jewish children. While the British Parliament ultimately passed the movement as a...

  9. The Islands In-Between

    A collection of reflective essays on the personal relationship with identity, land and travel. All of the essays are united by common themes of liminality, transformation and neutral space, set against the...

  10. Abstinence-only Sex Education in the United States: How Abstinence Curricula Have Harmed America

    Abstinence-only sex education has been a prominent form of reproductive health information for adolescents in the United States. Abstinence-only sex education programs often provide data that is incorrect or...

