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People and Communities

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Searched for: People and Communities
  1. Webinar: Breaking Barriers to Bike Share: Insights on Equity

    While the number of public bike share systems in the United States grew considerably in recent years, early evidence indicated that many systems were not serving the diverse populations of cities, particularly...

  2. Breaking Barriers to Bike Share: Insights from Residents of Traditionally Underserved Neighborhoods

    Evidence has shown that higher income and white populations are overrepresented in both access to and use of bike share. Efforts to overcome underserved communities’ barriers to access and use of bike share...

  3. Webinar: Transportation Academy: Lessons from the Portland Traffic and Transportation Course

    Community involvement and outreach is an important part of any planning effort, but as planners often find, many times the conversation is a difficult one to carry on. Residents may lack the technical knowledge...

  4. Transportation Leadership Education: Portland Traffic and Transportation Course a Case Study and Curriculum

    The Portland Traffic and Transportation course serves a number of different purposes. On one hand, it is designed to develop citizens who are informed about the transportation system, including how it got where...
