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People and Communities

People and Communities


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Searched for: People and Communities
  1. The Case for Age-Friendly Communities

    The report was funded by Grantmakers In Aging, an organization dedicated to promoting and strengthening grantmaking for an aging society. The movement toward age-friendly communities is growing, with the key...

  2. Home Forward’s Aging in Place Initiative: Planning for Current and Future Residents

    This report was prepared on behalf of the Aging in Place Initiative of Home Forward. The Initiative sought to gather information about older persons currently residing in Home Forward’s public housing...

  3. The Health and Housing Specialist: An Emerging Job Classification to Support Aging in Place in Subsidized Housing

    As the U.S. population ages, the availability of workers with a basic understanding of aging and health-related services has not kept pace. This is true in traditional health care organizations such as...