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People and Communities

People and Communities

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Searched for: People and Communities
  1. Women in Transition: The Mexican Family, Migration, and the Mothers of Casa de los Angeles

    Women in Transition: The Mexican Family, Migration, and the Mothers of Casa de

  2. Service-Learning and the Hungry and Homeless: Tangible Sensibilities of Care among Young Urban Adolescents

    For over 20 years, Sunnyside Environmental School in Portland, Oregon has adopted service-learning as an instructional approach to engage young people with local communities. This report explores the voices of...

  3. Using PLACE mapping to improve public participation in Tillamook County, Oregon riparian action planning

    In the fall and winter of 1999/2000, efforts by federal, state, and local

  4. Connecting People and Place Prosperity: Workforce Development and Urban Planning in Scholarship and Practice

    In recent years, the field of workforce development has emerged as a distinct area of policy and practice. While planning scholars have begun to engage with the workforce development field, its relevance and...

  5. Lane County Mental Health and Addictions Implementation Plan

    56 pp. Tables, charts.

  6. Uncovering the Cultural Narratives and Environmental Identities of Latina/o Environmental Professionals and Beyond

    The environmental movement needs people from communities of color and the differing perspectives they provide. Latinas/os are one of the largest communities of color in the US, and their numbers continue to...

  7. Assessing Natural Resource Values Using the Damage Schedule Approach: Fishing and Other Resource Uses of the Maya People in...

    No poster available.

  8. Communities of Color in Multnomah County: An Unsettling Profile

    Existing data that informs decision making in Multnomah County inadequately captures the lived experiences of communities of color. Rarely do existing reports include dimensions of race and ethnicity. Much...

  9. The Media’s Presentation of The Second Chance Act: Funding for Reentry Following Prison

    The US prison system has multiplied by four since 1980; each year about 730,000 people enter state and federal prisons and 700,000 people exit. As a result of this expansion, there is a massive increase of...

  10. Personalizing a Place: Exploring Visual and Virtual Remix Processes

    53 p. Examining committee chair: Doug Blandy
