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People and Communities

People and Communities

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Searched for: People and Communities
  1. Portland's silent epidemic : lead poisoned African American & Latino children

    In the United States, lead poisoning is one of the most common

  2. Community Readiness for Adopting a Physical Activity Program for People With Arthritis in West Virginia

    This is the publisher’s final pdf. The article is published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and can be found at: To the best of our knowledge, one or more...

  3. Building Communities as a Necessary Tool for Sustainability

    From ten thousand years ago back to the beginning of human existence, people lived in small communities of hunter-gatherers; tight knit communities who depended upon each other for their very survival. There...

  4. Water management decentralization in rural Honduras

    Numerous water supply systems and community based water boards have been

  5. Voices of leadership : experiences of people of color in a community leadership development program

    The purpose of this study was to describe and record the experiences of

  6. Role of Mobile Phone in Distribution Channel: A Study on Fishing Sector in Bangladesh

    Abstract only.

  7. Attitudes of youth toward social institutions; a comparative study

    In August, 1968, after a series of confrontations in the city parks between young dissidents and the police, the Mayor of Portland called upon the Metropolitan Youth Commission to form a special study committee...

  8. Webinar: Breaking Barriers to Bike Share: Insights on Equity

    While the number of public bike share systems in the United States grew considerably in recent years, early evidence indicated that many systems were not serving the diverse populations of cities, particularly...

  9. Cultural analysis of the Karakuwa fishing community in Japan and Fishermen's reforestation movement

    Based on the author's ethnographic research at the Karakuwa fishing community in

  10. Strengthening a Social Justice Lens for Addictions Practice: Exploration, Reflections, Possibilities and a Challenge to Our...

    Addiction is commonly conceptualized as a personal problem, a family problem, a neighborhood problem, a community problem, and even a social problem. But how might addiction be understood as a social justice...
