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Air Quality

Air Quality

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Searched for: Air Quality
  1. Preference reversals and the measurement of environmental values

    27 pages

  2. Portland Winterhaven Elementary : sampled


    Ceased with <3/17/2016>.

  3. Medford carbon monoxide limited maintenance plan


    This archived document is maintained by the Oregon State Library as part of the Oregon Documents Depository Program. It is for informational purposes and may not be suitable for legal purposes.

  4. Air quality in Yanbu, Saudi Arabia

    Yanbu, on the Red Sea, is an affluent Saudi Arabian industrial city of modest size. Substantial effort has been spent to balance environmental quality, especially air pollution, and industrial development. We...

  5. Associations Between Prenatal Exposure to Air Pollution, Small for Gestational Age, and Term Low Birthweight in a State-Wide...

    A range of health effects, including adverse pregnancy outcomes, have been associated with exposure to ambient concentrations of particulate matter (PM) and ozone (O3). The objective of this study was to...

  6. The Economics of Household Air Pollution

    Traditional energy technologies and consumer products contribute to household well-being in diverse ways but also often harm household air quality. We review the problem of household air pollution at a global...

  7. ... Oregon annual ambient air monitoring network plan


    This archived document is maintained by the Oregon State Library as part of the Oregon Documents Depository Program. It is for informational purposes and may not be suitable for legal purposes.

  8. Longitudinal Assessment of Thermal and Perceived Air Quality Acceptability in Relation to Temperature, Humidity, and CO2...

    Thermal acceptability (TA) and perceived air quality acceptability (PAQA) are typically analyzed in climate chambers or cross-sectional field studies. Individual factors, such as expectations and perceived...

  9. Air quality data in the air near Powell and SE 22nd Ave in Portland


    Ceased with <[October, 2015]>.

  10. Effectiveness of Indoor Plants for Passive Removal of Indoor Ozone

    Indoor vegetation is often proposed as a passive approach for improving indoor air quality. While studies of outdoor environments indicate that vegetation can be an important sink of outdoor ozone, there is...

