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Increased renewable energy development in Oregon is anticipated in the coming decades, particularly solar energy, wind energy, and associated transmission line development

Oregon is home to 30 species of reptiles, including turtles, lizards and snakes.  Frogs, toads, and salamanders comprise Oregon's amphibian fauna.

Ecological restoration processes recover ecosystems disturbed by human or other kinds of disturbances.

Ecological restoration processes recover ecosystems disturbed by human or other kinds of disturbances.

Flowing water provides drinking water, irrigation, habitat for aquatic species and recreation opportunities across the state.

Information to help local residents and policymakers make decisions about rural communities including vitality and changes in Oregon's communities.

Eastern Oregon is home to over 15 million acres of sage-grouse habitat. The SageCon Partnership advances policies and actions that reduce threats to sage-grouse, sagebrush ecosystems and Oregon's rural communities. 

Seven species of salmon, all members of the scientific genus Oncorhynchus, are native to Oregon, many are currently at risk. There are about 200 species of fish found in Oregon.

Soil quality impacts biological and agricultural productivity, environmental quality, and plant and animal health.

"Threatened" species refers to native species likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future. "Endangered" species are any native species determined to be in danger of extinction.

Vegetation can refer to either the plants or plant communities that occupy a given area.

Vegetation can refer to either the plants or plant communities that occupy a given area.

Water planning is a critical component to securing Oregon’s instream and out-of-stream water future in the face of increasing water scarcity and uncertainty.  Through planning you can understand your water situation and identify solutions to water challenges.

The term "watershed" is commonly used to refer to an area in which all surface waters flow to a common point. USGS identifies 92 watersheds in Oregon.
