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Searched for: Aquaculture
  1. Optimal Harvesting Time in Aquaculture Assuming Nonlinear Size-Heterogeneous Growth

    This study explores the optimal harvesting time in a size-heterogeneous population dynamics. The model includes the effect of population density in both the mortality rate and individual growth. An application...

  2. Optimal Rotation Time for the Polyculture of Tilapia Nilótica and White Shrimp in Freshwater

    No poster available.

  3. Bioeconomic Analysis of Ration Size in Nile Tilapia Feeding: An Example of Yucatan, Mexico

    Nile tilapia has been cultivated in intensive systems in Yucatan, Mexico, during the first years of this century. Nevertheless, its adoption faces technical (related to the use of commercial feed) and marketing...

  4. Economic Analysis of Polyculture Tilapia and Australian Redclaw Crayfish

    Poster session.

  5. Optimal Harvesting Time in Fish Farming with Heterogenous Population

    Research Paper