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Searched for: Aquaculture
  1. A Small Parasite Making Big Waves: Industry Consolidation and Collaboration under Spatial-Dynamic Externalities

    Parasites and diseases represent major challenges in aquaculture. In the Norwegian salmon farming industry, costs associated with treatment of sea lice are surging and reached 5bn NOK or 10% of the industry’s...

  2. Asymmetric Information and Distributional Impacts in New ITQ Markets

    One of the main concerns surrounding the transition to individual transferable quota (ITQs) is that it could have adverse distributional consequences. Some fisheries, such as the West Coast Groundfish fishery,...

  3. The Bigger, the Better? Spacial Externalities, Economies of Scale, and Consolidation in the Norwegian Fish Farming Industry

    Early studies of economies of scale show that ownership limitations imposed large costs on salmon farming firms prior to the deregulation of the industry in 1991. Since then a number of mergers and acquisitions...