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Searched for: Aquaculture
  1. Urban and Rural-residential Land Uses: Their Role in Watershed Health and the Rehabilitation of Oregon’s Wild Salmonids

    This technical report by the Independent Multidisciplinary Science Team (IMST) is a comprehensive review of how human activities in urban and rural-residential areas can alter aquatic ecosystems and resulting...

  2. Policy Analysis for Optimizing Native Fisheries on the McKenzie River

    The impact of hatchery fish on native populations has been extensively studies, especially as environmental management has generally moved toward a conservation focus. In Oregon, the McKenzie River native...

  3. Recreational Boats as Potential Vectors of Marine Organisms at an Invasion Hotspot

    With more than 200 aquatic nonindigenous species (NIS), San Francisco Bay (California, USA) is among the world’s most invaded harbors. Hard-substratum benthic (biofouling) organisms, which dominate NIS...
