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Searched for: Aquaculture
  1. Estimating A Supply Function for the Galician Fleet in the Celtic Sea Fishery

    The aim of this work is to estimate the supply elasticity of the fish regarding the variationsin one of the

  2. Location for Random Utility Models From Uncertainty in Self-Reported Spatial Data: Determining the Value of Coral Reefs

    Greater awareness of the importance of ecosystem services and ecosystem management has sparked

  3. Spatial Allocation of Fishing Effort Discriminated By Fishing Gear in A Multi-Species Fleet

    Abstract only.

  4. Time Discounting Behaviour of Small-Scale Fishers in Open Access and Traditionally Managed Reef Fisheries

    Abstract only.

  5. Expected Catch Rate and Recreational Fishing Effort: Implications for Management in the Western Australian West Coast...

    Abstract only.

  6. Towards Behavioural Models of Fleet Dynamics

    Considerable attention has been applied to the development of models explaining how fish stocks change over space

  7. Fishing for What? Fisher Decision Making in the South-West of England

    Abstract only.

  8. Capital Utilization and investment Decisions: A Case Study for the Netherlands

    In this paper a data envelopment model is presented to evaluate short term investment decisions in the Dutch beam trawl and demersal fleet. We investigated how short run profit drives investment decisions and...
