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Searched for: Aquaculture
  1. Climate Change Awareness and Impacts on Aquaculture in Poor Rural Coastal Communities, Ben Tre Province, Vietnam

    EEPSEA and Worldfish Center

  2. New socio-economic role models for women in fisheries and aquaculture

    This is part of the IIFET Special Session on Markets and Value Chains for Small Aquaculture & Fisheries Enterprises with a Focus on Gender that took place on 17 July 2012 in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania in...

  3. Women in Fish Value Chain in Nigeria

    This is part of the IIFET Special Session on Markets and Value Chains for Small Aquaculture & Fisheries Enterprises with a Focus on Gender that took place on 17 July 2012 in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania in...

  4. Fundamental Issues In The Salmon Aquaculture Debate

    Research Paper

  5. Biosecurity vs. Profits: A Multi-Objective Model for the Aquaculture Industry

    In this paper we measure the value of sanitary restrictions in terms of forgone profits. For this we model the trade-off between biosecurity and profits in the salmon aquaculture industry. We introduce the...

  6. Bioeconomic assessment of alternative cold-water aquaculture species: early life stages

    Research Paper

  7. Technical Efficiency in Danish Fresh Water Trout Farms: Taking Pollution into Account

    Abstract only.

  8. Optimal Harvesting Time in Aquaculture Assuming Nonlinear Size-Heterogeneous Growth

    This study explores the optimal harvesting time in a size-heterogeneous population dynamics. The model includes the effect of population density in both the mortality rate and individual growth. An application...

  9. The Limits of Risks Hedging in Aquaculture: The Case of Shellfish Farming in France

    Shellfish farmers make their production decisions in an environment characterized by multiple

  10. Implications of Japanese Experience in Fisheries to Asia and the World

    Fisheries are increasingly important in the world with growing demand for fish in China, Western, African and Asian countries. Many people depend on fisheries and will be benefited from fisheries. Many...
