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Searched for: Aquaculture
  1. Engaging Recreational Fishers in Management and Conservation: Global Case Studies

    Globally, the number of recreational fishers is sizeable and increasing in many countries. Associated with this trend is the potential for negative impacts on fish stocks through exploitation or management...

  2. The Aquarium Trade as an Invasion Pathway in the Pacific Northwest

    The aquarium trade moves thousands of species around the globe, and unwanted organisms may be released into freshwaters, with adverse ecological and economic effects. We report on the first investigation of the...

  3. Since Time Immemorial: The Decline of Columbia River Basin Salmon

    Since Time Immemorial: The Decline of Columbia River Basin Salmon studies the near extinction of what has been historically the world’s largest salmon population. By examining the issue systemically, my paper...

  4. A Landscape Approach to Determining and Predicting Juvenile Coho Salmon (<i>Oncorhynchus kisutch</i>) Movement Timing and...

    Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) rely on unique habitats during the winter season, which may dictate how much individuals may grow and when migration from freshwater rearing habitat to the ocean occurs. Here...

  5. Microplastic Concentrations in Crassotrea gigas: Establishing a Baseline of Microplastic Contamination in Oregon’s Oyster...

    Anthropogenic debris is “found across all habitats in the ocean, including coral reefs, shallow bays, estuaries, the open ocean, and the deep sea” (Rochman et al., 2015). Microplastic pollution is...

  6. Strategic Issues in Biotechnology: A Managerial Analysis of Emerging GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) Technology

    Biotechnology is a collective term for a group of technologies that use biological matter or processes to generate new and useful products and processes. It has advanced to a level where it is possible to make...

  7. Understanding the Importance of Intermittently Fragmented Stream Habitat for Isolated Westslope Cutthroat Trout...

    Climate change and anthropogenic effects have vastly reduced Westslope Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi, WCT) habitat throughout their range, including the Colville National Forest in northeastern...

  8. Historical Vegetation of Three Salmon-Bearing Watersheds in the Interior Columbia River Basin

    Land use practices can be a contributing factor to environmental degradation and have been the focus of many ecological studies. One aspect that is less addressed is land use history and the effects that past...

  9. Urban and Rural-residential Land Uses: Their Role in Watershed Health and the Rehabilitation of Oregon’s Wild Salmonids

    This technical report by the Independent Multidisciplinary Science Team (IMST) is a comprehensive review of how human activities in urban and rural-residential areas can alter aquatic ecosystems and resulting...

  10. Climate, Competition and The Management of Shared Fish Stocks

    Research Paper
