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Aquatic Mitigation

Aquatic Mitigation

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Searched for: Aquatic Mitigation
  1. Using Transects to Understand Cyanobacterial Blooms

    Presentation focuses on Toxic algae (and cyanobacteria) and on short-term mitigation: Monitoring Possible approaches

  2. Increased Habitat Connectivity Homogenizes Freshwater Communities: Historical and Landscape Perspectives

    Increases in habitat connectivity can have consequences for taxonomic, functional, and genetic diversity of communities. Previously isolated aquatic habitats were connected with canals and pipelines in the...

  3. Efficacy of Plastic Mesh Tubes in Reducing Herbivory Damage by the Invasive Nutria (Myocastor coypus) in an Urban Restoration...

    The restoration of stream corridors is becoming an increasingly important component of urban landscape planning, and the high cost of these projects necessitates the need to understand and address potential...

  4. Non-native Mangroves of Moloka'i, Hawai'i: A Socio-ecological Analysis

    Invasive species are recognized as a leading threat to ecosystems and their management is expensive, time consuming, and labor intensive. Therefore, it is important to review both benefits and detriments of the...

  5. Understanding the Links Between Cyanobacteria Physiology and Hydrodynamics may Help Find Adaption Strategies for Toxic Blooms

    Even though we are managing lakes to decrease algal blooms overall, harmful algal blooms seem to be showing up more and more frequently. Although the word “blooms” connotes dominance and rapid growth,...

  6. Responses of Aquatic Non-Native Species to Novel Predator Cues and Increased Mortality

    Lethal biotic interactions strongly influence the potential for aquatic non-native species to establish and endure in habitats to which they are introduced. Predators in the recipient area, including native and...

  7. Investigations of Larval Pacific Lamprey Entosphenus tridentatus Osmotic Stress Tolerance and Occurrence in a...

    Pacific lamprey is a culturally valuable species to indigenous people, and has significant ecological importance in freshwater and marine ecosystems. Over the past several decades, constrictions in range and...