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Aquatic Mitigation

Aquatic Mitigation

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Searched for: Aquatic Mitigation
  1. Evaluating benthic macroinvertebrates as bio-indicators of freshwater habitat quality in an eastern Oregon agro-ecosystem

    The effect of anthropogenic disturbance on river systems is gaining attention, and concerns about the state of freshwater natural resources are increasing globally, as are efforts to restore habitat that has...

  2. Understanding the Links Between Cyanobacteria Physiology and Hydrodynamics may Help Find Adaption Strategies for Toxic Blooms

    Even though we are managing lakes to decrease algal blooms overall, harmful algal blooms seem to be showing up more and more frequently. Although the word “blooms” connotes dominance and rapid growth,...

  3. Protecting Stream Ecosystem Health in the Face of Rapid Urbanization and Climate Change

    The ability to anticipate and evaluate the combined impacts of urbanization and climate change on streamflow regimes is critical to developing proactive strategies that protect aquatic ecosystems. I developed...

  4. Federal Register - Notice of Policy for Conserving Species Listed or Proposed for Listing Under the Endangered Species Act...


    The Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service (Services) have adopted a policy that will address the conservation needs of species listed, or proposed to be listed, under the...

  5. Responses of Aquatic Non-Native Species to Novel Predator Cues and Increased Mortality

    Lethal biotic interactions strongly influence the potential for aquatic non-native species to establish and endure in habitats to which they are introduced. Predators in the recipient area, including native and...

  6. The influence of climate change and restoration on stream temperature

    Water temperature is an essential property of a stream. Temperature regulates

  7. Status of Nutria (Myocastor coypus) Populations in the Pacific Northwest and Development of Associated Control and Management...

    The nutria (Myocastor coypus) is a semi-aquatic rodent native to South America that was introduced to the Pacific Northwest, USA, in the 1930s. Primary damage categories from this invasive species include...

  8. Development and decommissioning of small dams : analysis of impact and context

    Management of small dams may have profound implications for the health and

  9. Environmental influences on host-pathogen dynamics of the amphibian chytrid fungus

    The causes of the global biodiversity crisis are varied and complex. Anthropogenic threats may act in isolation, or interact additively or synergistically with each other or with natural stressors to affect...

  10. Potential for dispersal of the non-native parasite Myxobolus cerebralis : qualitative risk assessments for the state of...

    First introduced to the USA in 1958, Myxobolus cerebralis, the parasite responsible for whirling disease in salmonids, has since spread across the country causing severe declines in wild trout populations in...
