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Searched for: Biodiversity
  1. High Latitude Coastal Settlement Patterns: Cape Krusenstern, Alaska

    Why, when, and how people developed highly specialized marine economies remains the focus of considerable anthropological research. Study of maritime adaptations at high latitudes has potential to contribute to...

  2. Assessing the Impacts of Federal Forest Planning on Wildfire Risk Mitigation in the Pacific Northwest, USA

    We analyzed the impact of amenity and biodiversity protection as mandated in national forest plans on the implementation of hazardous fuel reduction treatments aimed at protecting the wildland urban interface...

  3. Community Science and the Ecological Merits of Backyard Habitat Patches and Adjacent Green-Spaces for Urban Avian Species

    In what ways do small-scale urban backyards contribute to local bird abundance and biodiversity? In what ways might these yards serve as an ‘extension’ of neighboring native forest areas? This project...

  4. Non-native Mangroves of Moloka’i, Hawai’i: A Socio-ecological Analysis

    Invasive species are recognized as a leading threat to biodiversity and their management is expensive, time consuming, and labor intensive. Therefore, it is important to review both benefits and detriments of...

  5. Western Juniper (Juniperus occidentalis) Ecology with an Exercise in Remote Sensing Techniques

    Western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis var. occidentalis) has been expanding its biogeographic range since the mid-1800's, resulting in decreased biodiversity, altered wildlife habitat, increased soil erosion,...

  6. Building a Values-Informed Mental Model for New Orleans Climate Risk Management

    Individuals use values to frame their beliefs and simplify their understanding when confronted with complex and uncertain situations. The high complexity and deep uncertainty involved in climate risk management...

  7. Disequilibrium of Fire-prone Forests Sets the Stage for a Rapid Decline in Conifer Dominance during the 21st Century

    As trees are long-lived organisms, the impacts of climate change on forest communities may not be apparent on the time scale of years to decades. While lagged responses to environmental change are common in...

  8. The Impeccable Timing of the Apple Maggot Fly, <i>Rhagoletis pomonella</i> (Dipetera: Tephritidae), and its Implications for...

    Speciation is the process by which life diversifies into discrete forms, and understanding its underlying mechanisms remains a primary focus for biologists. Increasingly, empirical studies are helping explain...

  9. Community level impacts associated with the invasion of English ivy (Hedera spp.) in Forest Park: a look at the impacts of...

    Invasive species degrade ecosystems by altering natural processes and decreasing the abundance and diversity of native flora. Communities with major fluctuations in resource supply allow invasive species to...

  10. Social-Ecological Dynamics of Coral Reef Resource Use and Management

    This dissertation investigates social and ecological factors that facilitate effective management of coral reefs as social-ecological systems. Meta-analytical and field-based methods were employed to examine...
