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Searched for: Birds
  1. Experimental Analysis of Nest-Site Choice and its Relationship to Nest Success in an Open-Cup–Nesting Passerine

    Nest placement presumably reflects selection for secure sites to minimize failure. Most tests of this hypothesis, however, have failed to support it. We used artificial nests (ARTs) to experimentally evaluate...

  2. OIMB Campus (6 of 15)


    The head of one of the bird skeletons placed in a OIMB classroom.

  3. Considerations for coexisting with wild turkeys


    This archived document is maintained by the Oregon State Library as part of the Oregon Documents Depository Program. It is for informational purposes and may not be suitable for legal purposes.

  4. Winter Diet of Bobolink, a Long-Distance Migratory Grassland Bird, Inferred from Feather Isotopes

    Effective conservation of migratory bird populations depends on advancements in our understanding of processes throughout the life cycle. Fundamental information about wintering ecology (e.g., habitat use and...

  5. Using Landsat TM Imagery to Monitor Vegetation Change Following Flow Restoration to the Lower Owens River, California

    Rehabilitating river corridors to restore valuable riparian habitat consumes significant resources from both governments and private companies. Given these considerable expenditures, it is important to monitor...

  6. Ecoroofs in Multnomah County: Oregon as habitat for the Oregon vesper sparrow and common nighthawk

    78 pages. Examining committee chair:David Hulse

  7. The Gate and Other Stories

    The Gate is a collection of short stories by Cassondra Bird Combs. Combs' first collection is heavily inspired by the small Northern California towns she grew up in, and the disillusioned characters who live...

  8. Influenza aviar (gripe de aves)


    Includes information about the bird flu and some tips on protecting domestic poultry.

  9. A Flux-Focusing Cycloidal Magnetic Gearbox

    This paper investigates the performance of a -25:1 gear ratio cycloidal magnetic gearbox (CMG) with a flux-focusing rotor topology. The performance of the CMG is investigated by conducting an iterative...

  10. Empirical Evidence for the Scale Dependence of Biotic Interactions

    Aim: Although it is recognized that ecological patterns are scale dependent, the exact scales over which specific ecological processes operate are still a matter of controversy. In particular, understanding the...

