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Searched for: Climate Change
  1. Decadal Ecosystem Response to an Anomalous Melt Season in a Polar Desert in Antarctica

    Amplified climate change in polar regions is significantly altering regional ecosystems, yet there are few long-term records documenting these responses. The McMurdo Dry Valleys (MDV) cold desert ecosystem is...

  2. The Changing Extent of the Glaciers Along the Western Ross Sea, Antarctica

    We examine the change in terminus positions of glaciers flowing into the western Ross Sea, Antarctica, between 71°S and 78°S as a proxy for changes in snowfall and/or summer air temperature. This coastline's...

  3. Glacier Status and Contribution to Streamflow in the Olympic Mountains, USA

    The Olympic Peninsula, Washington, USA, currently holds 184 alpine glaciers larger than 0.01 km² and their combined area is 30.2 ± 0.95km². Only four glaciers are >1km² and 120 of the others are -¹...

  4. Modeling the Thickness of Perennial Ice Covers on Stratified Lakes of the Taylor Valley, Antarctica

    A 1-D ice cover model was developed to predict and constrain drivers of long-term ice thick-ness trends in chemically stratified lakes of Taylor Valley, Antarctica. The model is driven by surface ra-diative...

  5. A Data Set of Worldwide Glacier Length Fluctuations

    Glacier fluctuations contribute to variations in sea level and historical glacier length fluctuations are natural indicators of past climate change. To study these subjects, longterm information of glacier...

  6. Trajectory Analysis of Black Carbon in the Arctic Region

    Black carbon (BC) is a troubling particulate. Commonly known as soot, BC forms through the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels, biofuels, and biomass. It has a very low albedo compared to natural particulates...

  7. Analyzing Glacier Surface Motion Using LiDAR Data

    Understanding glacier motion is key to understanding how glaciers are growing, shrinking, and responding to changing environmental conditions. In situ observations are often difficult to collect and offer an...

  8. Holocene History of Deep-Seated Landsliding in the North Fork Stillaguamish River Valley From Surface Roughness Analysis,...

    Documenting spatial and temporal patterns of past landsliding is a challenging step in quantifying the effect of landslides on landscape evolution. While landslide inventories can map spatial distributions,...

  9. Glacier Change on the Three Sisters Volcanoes, Oregon: 1900-2010

    A glacier responds to changes in climate by subsequent retreat and advance as a result of changes in snow inputs and outputs. Understanding these changes is important because shrinking glaciers limit and...

  10. The Impact of a Large-Scale Climate Event on Antarctic Ecosystem Processes

    Extreme climate and weather events, such as a drought, hurricanes, or ice storms, can strongly imprint ecosystem processing and may alter ecosystem structure. Ecosystems in extreme environments are particularly...

