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Climate Change

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Searched for: Climate Change
  1. Impacts of Fire and Climate Change on Long-Term Nitrogen Availability and Forest Productivity in the New Jersey Pine Barrens

    Increased wildfires and temperatures due to climate change are expected to have profound effects on forest productivity and nitrogen (N) cycling. Forecasts about how wildfire and climate change will affect...

  2. Carbon Sequestration in Managed Temperate Coniferous Forests Under Climate Change

    Management of temperate forests has the potential to increase carbon sinks and mitigate climate change. However, those opportunities may be confounded by negative climate change impacts. We therefore need a...

  3. Responding to the effects of coastal climate change: results of a National Sea Grant survey


    This report presents the findings from a national climate-change adaptation survey conducted by eight Sea Grant programs across the U.S. (Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois-Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota,...

  4. Climate Change Effects on Northern Great Lake (USA) Forests: A Case for Preserving Diversity

    Under business as usual (BAU) management, stresses posed by climate change may exceed the ability of Great Lake forests to adapt. Temperature and precipitation projections in the Great Lakes region are expected...

  5. Predicted Effects of Gypsy Moth Defoliation and Climate Change on Forest Carbon Dynamics in the New Jersey Pine Barrens

    Disturbance regimes within temperate forests can significantly impact carbon cycling. Additionally, projected climate change in combination with multiple, interacting disturbance effects may disrupt the...

  6. Divergent trends in ecosystem services under different climate-management futures in a fire-prone forest landscape

    While ecosystem services and climate change are often examined independently, quantitative assessments integrating these fields are needed to inform future land management decisions. Using climate-informed...

  7. Climate Change and Land Management Impact Rangeland Condition and Sage-Grouse Habitat in Southeastern Oregon

    Contemporary pressures on sagebrush steppe from climate change, exotic species, wildfire, and land use change threaten rangeland species such as the greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). To...

  8. How are forests, carbon and climate change related?


    This archived document is maintained by the Oregon State Library as part of the Oregon Documents Depository Program. It is for informational purposes and may not be suitable for legal purposes.

  9. Interactions Among Fuel Management, Species Composition, Bark Beetles, and Climate Change and the Potential Effects on...

    Climate-driven increases in wildfires, drought conditions, and insect outbreaks are critical threats to forest carbon stores. In particular, bark beetles are important disturbance agents although their...

  10. Water, economics, and climate change in the Willamette Basin, Oregon


    Climate change, population growth, and income growth have the potential to significantly affect the availability and use of water in the Willamette River Basin (WRB). The Willamette Water 2100 project (WW2100)...
