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Searched for: Climate Change
  1. Economic Impacts Of Climate Change On Forest Resources in Oregon A Preliminary Analysis

    14 p.

  2. 3.20 Climate Change

  3. Climate Action Plans and Long-Range Transportation Plans in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska: State of the Practice in...

    Research efforts in the past decade have produced a wealth of knowledge about the likely impacts of climate change on transportation infrastructure—effects witnessed to date as well as those anticipated in...

  4. Teaching Climate Change: Pressures and Practice in the Middle School Science Classroom

    What are middle school science teachers teaching their students about climate change? And why? This qualitative study examined the experience of middle school science teachers from western Oregon, finding that...

  5. Redefining Nuclear: Exploring Stigma, Climate Change, and the Adoption of Nuclear Power in Southeast Asia

    Nuclear energy is very efficient and cost-effective, but the stigma attached to it hinders its expansion around the world. However, with rising concerns over climate change and the fact that nuclear energy...

  6. Redefining Nuclear: Exploring Stigma, Climate Change, and the Adoption of Nuclear Power in Southeast Asia

    Nuclear energy is very efficient and cost-effective, but the stigma attached to

  7. Impacts of Fire and Climate Change on Long-Term Nitrogen Availability and Forest Productivity in the New Jersey Pine Barrens

    Increased wildfires and temperatures due to climate change are expected to have profound effects on forest productivity and nitrogen (N) cycling. Forecasts about how wildfire and climate change will affect...

  8. A Comparative Study of Climate Change Policy and Actions between the United States and Sweden

    The issue of global climate change and possible remedies has been debated between national governments since the 1970s. While some countries have adopted aggressive measures to address the issue, others have...

  9. Climate change outreach project : final report

    INR’s mission is to provide Oregonians with ready access to current, science‐based information and methods for better understanding resource management challenges and developing solutions and after the 2004...

  10. Scales of Law: Rethinking Climate Change Governance

    The international treaty regime on climate change is failing to address this problem adequately and cannot fully capture the scales of the problem or of efforts to address it. This dissertation draws from...
