Coastal Research

Coastal Research

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Searched for: Coastal Research
  1. Pelagic Fisheries and Coastal Rivers Investigation : progress report, Coastal River section : July 1, 1966-June 30, 1967

    "Activities included spawning ground and physical stream surveys, sampling of shad and striped bass commercial fisheries, population estimates of juvenile coho in selected streams, evaluating releases of adult...

  2. The Oregon Coastal and Marine Data Network Workshop Summary

    The purpose of the Oregon Coastal and Marine Data Network Workshop was to begin to set the stage for fostering a network of people and data. The workshop was designed to enable individuals in agencies and other...

  3. Community-based and Adaptive Coastal Resources Management in Nasidman Island, Iloilo, Philippines

    Research Paper

  4. Semantic Mediation as a Gateway to Interoperability, with a Case Study of the International Coastal Atlas Network (ICAN)

    This is an author's manuscript version. The final version as presented can be found at:

  5. Recent Trends and Challenges of Coastal Resource Management Projects in Thailand

    Research Paper

  6. A Comparative Assessment of Damages to Fisheries Livelihood in Villages Affected By the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami

    Research Paper

  7. Decentralized management the new approach of thai coastal fishery management

    Research Paper

  8. The Roles of Large Top Predators in Coastal Ecosystems: New Insights from long Term Ecological Research

    To the best of our knowledge, one or more authors of this paper were federal employees when contributing to this work.

  9. A summary of American shad (Alosa sapidissima) tagging studies on the coastal streams of Oregon, 1946-70

    "This information report provides an updated summary of all coastal shad tagging studies conducted by the Fish Commission. I believe these studies represent the only shad tagged in Oregon coastal streams south...

  10. Coos Estuary Inventory Project: Key project development components, example uses, and data validity

    The Coos Estuary Inventory Project, an in-depth assessment of environmental and socio-economic status and trends, is part of Phase 2 of the Partnership for Coastal Watersheds. The project began in January 2013...
