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  1. Response of small mammal mycophagy to varying levels and patterns of green-tree retention in mature forests of western Oregon...

    The Demonstration of Ecosystem Management Options (DEMO) study is a large-scale, multi-year, interdisciplinary project examining the effects of various levels and patterns of green-tree retention on multiple...

  2. Mechanisms of cooperation for states' construction of large-scale water infrastructure projects in transboundary river basins

    How does transboundary water cooperation begin at the initial stages? Countries in many transboundary basins either do not cooperate at all or have ceased cooperation altogether. Yet cooperation does often...

  3. Rogue pod traits in Phaseolus vulgaris

    Snap beans are the vegetable form of dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) with low fiber, stringless and round, succulent pods that are eaten in the immature stage. Seed companies commit significant resources to...

  4. Adapting computer science technologies to bridge critical gaps in proposed Tox21 risk assessment programs

    In 2004 the National Toxicology Program published an article describing their intent to pursue toxicology testing and risk assessment practices solely reliant on high throughput in vitro datasets and in silico...

  5. Breeding bird community composition in relation to riparian vegetation structure in grazed habitats

    Riparian zones provide habitat for breeding birds in the semiarid western United

  6. Relationship of dietary crude protein to factors in uterine secretions and plasma in high producing postpartum dairy cows

    Eighteen multiparous, high producing (7,836 kg 4%

  7. Staffing patterns in two food service areas of a hospital/training center for mentally retarded

    This study conducted at Fairview Hospital and Training Center,

  8. The Relationship Between Sexual Orientation Identity and Specific Health Behaviors

    The American Counseling Association's Code of Ethics states that counselors and

  9. Studies toward the synthesis of coibamide A and analogues

    Coibamide A is a highly methylated cyclic depsipeptide isolated from Panamanian

  10. Investigation of Optimal Extraction Conditions and Microencapsulation Technique for Stabilizing Anthocyanins and Polyphenols...

    The objectives of this research were to investigate the optimal conditions for anthocyanins extraction from different anthocyanin rich fruit and to develop microencapsulation formulation for improving stability...
