Dairy and Poultry

Dairy and Poultry

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Searched for: Dairy and Poultry
  1. Agricultural information on Klamath County irrigation


    Pamphlet, compiled by the Klamath County Agricultural Agent, describing the history and status of the Klamath Project

  2. Narrative history report of the Klamath Project land opening under Public Notice No. 47, 1948


    Public Notice No. 47 of August 27, 1948, was prepared in conformity with recommendations for a standardized procedure made at the Salt Lake conference in March 1948; it opened to public entry 86 farm units...

  3. Klamath


    An article summarizing the abundant natural resources of the Klamath region and the plans for irrigation and further settlement of the area

  4. Annual project history and O. & M. report of the Klamath Project, Oregon-California, 1931


    Information Of Interest

  5. A guide to Oregon permits issued by state & federal agencies with a focus on permits for watershed restoration activities ...


    "Spring 2000."