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Searched for: Education
  1. Portland Summer Session 1947

    19 pages

  2. Portland Summer Session 1948

    20 pages

  3. Summer Session 1949

    19 pages

  4. Portland Summer Session 1950

    37 pages

  5. Portland Summer Session 1951

    47 pages

  6. Education unbounded: a vision of public higher education serving Oregon in the year 2010


    This archived document is maintained by the Oregon State Library as part of the Oregon Documents Depository Program. It is for informational purposes and may not be suitable for legal purposes.

  7. The Perception Gap: The Gulf Between Public Opinion and Public Higher Education in Oregon


  8. Rural educator values in the implementation of drug education : a critical assessment of a crisis moral community

    This study examined the values, competencies, and goals of educators

  9. A national analysis of business teacher certification


  10. An Analysis of the Ability and Achievement of Business Education Students Compared to Non-Business Education Students

    Since some educators believe the underachiever and the low-ability student are frequently placed in business education classes for the purpose of finding him an easy way through school, this study attempts to...

