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Searched for: Education
  1. Eastside/Westside.... The Changing Faces in Two Suburban School Districts

    Suburban school were once homegeneous; now, they are increasingly ethnically diverse. Kushlani de Soyza examines the reasons for this change, and the ways in which two suburban districts--David Douglas and...

  2. A Pitch for School Geo-Demography

    A presentation that seeks to provide a snapshot of the field of school demography, and briefly outlines the major approached used in school enrollment forecasting. Also shows examples of how contract research...

  3. Charter Schools in Portland; Resolution in Favor of Ballot Measure 17

  4. City Design Lecture Series: Linking Transportation and Land Use Planning

    The objective of this multidisciplinary educational program was to host a lecture series that will inform area professionals, students, and the broader public about the need to consider transportation and land...

  5. Getting Your House in Order: A Model for African-American Financial Education

    The Portland Housing Center (PHC) is a national leader in educating and creating first time homebuyers, with outreach efforts that bring diverse households to its services. However, in 2010, PHC recognized that...

  6. "Land use planning versus urban chaos"

    Panel members: Lyndon Musolf, Judah Bierman, Clifford Campbell, Neil Kelly, Carolin Keutzer, and Vera Katz. Recorded at PSU Ballroom S.M.C

  7. "Urban Containment: Policy for Willamette Valley in 1980"

    Dr. Miller Psychiatrist and head of health services at California Polytechnical State University, San Luis Obispo "Urban Containment" "Policy for Willamette Valley in 1980" "Intro, Speeches, commentary"

  8. Is Portland Really the Place Where Young People Go To Retire? Analyzing Labor Market Outcomes for Portland’s Young and...

    Few segments of the population are more critical to Portland’s future economic vitality than the young and college‐educated (YCE). In the last several decades the Portland metropolitan region has become a...

  9. The State of K-12 Education: Focus on Equity, Some Trends from Greater Portland Pulse

    This report discusses the Portland Metropolitan region demography and how it relates to achieving greater economic justice. Requiring significant progress toward closing the achievement gap. Trends and data...

  10. Talent on the Move: Migration Patterns of the Young and College-Educated in Pre and Post-Recession America - Migration Trends...

    In this brief, we present U.S. Census Bureau data to compare recent migration trends for young and college-educated (YCE) individuals for the largest 50 U.S. metro areas in 2012-2014 relative to the...

