Farmer's Markets

Farmer's Markets


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Searched for: Farmer's Markets
  1. Work in Progress: A Process Book of the Re-Branding of the Beaverton Farmers Market

    Undertaking the redesign of a brand is a hefty job; it involves extensive research that is rarely shown to those outside of fellow designers and clients. “Work in Progress” is a process work book detailing...

  2. The Lents International Farmer’s Market: A Case and Comparative Study

    The Lents neighborhood is a designated urban renewal area that has historically lacked access to ample grocery stores offering fresh produce. The Lents International Farmer’s Market enhances health and...

  3. Portland Farmer's Market 2006 Site Plan Update

    The team assisted the Portland Farmer's Market in updating their 5 Year Site Plan and to make site-related recommendations for the 2010 Growth/Vision document. This project was conducted under the supervision...

  4. Interview with Dianne Stefani-Ruff, Portland Farmers Market, 2007 (audio)

    Interview of Dianne Stefani-Ruff by Jennifer Bennett on July 31st, 2007.

  5. Interview with Trudy Toliver, Portland Farmers Market, 2011 (audio)

    Interview of Trudy Toliver by Sara Davenport at Portland, Oregon on August 1st, 2011.

  6. Local food and land-use in Washington County, Oregon

    Local food networks are often defined as presenting a variety of alternative food production, consumption, and distribution practices to the conventional food system such as community-supported-agriculture,...

  7. Public Market Producers Association letter

  8. Public Market Company report

  9. Agreement: Public Market Co. and City

  10. Portland Market Co. on cost data

