Food Systems

Food Systems

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Searched for: Food Systems
  1. AS 07-25-07 Interview with Bernie Burkeholder

    In Bernie Burkeholder’s home in Lakeview, about 9 a.m. We are talking about the Food Pantry that Bernie runs at the Presbyterian Church, and the overall Food Bank/Share/Pantry system in Lakeview.

  2. PL 07-00-07 Interview with Alyssa Smith (PSEUD.)

    •Food Services Manager at Warner Creek Correctional Facility.

  3. ER 07-19-07 Interview with Mary Wilkie

    Interview with Mary Wilkie at Public Health. 7/19/07 11:30 a.m. at the Public Health office in Lakeview

  4. AG 07-23-07 Interview with Desiree Corona

    Date and Time: 23 July 2007, 2:45 p.m.
