Food Systems

Food Systems

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Searched for: Food Systems
  1. Planting Prosperity and Harvesting Health: Trade-offs and Sustainability in the Oregon-Washington Regional Food System

    This assessment reveals food system sustainability trends in Oregon and Washington, focusing specifically on the producers in both states and the consumers in the Portland- Vancouver region. We began the...

  2. Implications of Local and Regional Food Systems: Toward a New Food Economy in Portland, Oregon

    The local food movement in the Portland Metro Region of Oregon is as prevalent as anywhere in the Country. To a large degree this is driven by the Portland Metro area food culture and the diverse agricultural...

  3. Environmental Middle School Making the Connection: Locally grown food and the Portland Public Schools' Meal program

    A recent "farms to school" movement designed to expand the range and quantity of local foods, especially produce, has taken root across the U.S, with support from the United States Department of Agriculture....

  4. Radical, Reformist, and Garden-Variety Neoliberal: Coming to Terms with Urban Agriculture’s Contradictions

    For many activists and scholars, urban agriculture in the Global North has become synonymous with sustainable food systems, standing in opposition to the dominant industrial agri-food system. At the same time,...

  5. Cultivating the Commons An Assessment of the Potential for Urban Agriculture on Oakland’s Public Land

    This is an inventory of open space with potential for agricultural production on land both owned by public agencies and within the city limits of Oakland, California. The inventory was conducted between the...

  6. On the Edge of Agriculture: An Interview with Narendra Varma and Gianna Banducci of Our Table Cooperative

    One mile outside Portland’s urban growth boundary near Sherwood OR, a new farm business is modeling innovative practices that could become the future of Oregon agriculture. The Our Table Cooperative brings...

  7. The Future of Oregon’s Agricultural Land

    Sixty-four percent of Oregon's farmland is expected to change hands in the next 20 years, yet many Oregon farmers are unprepared for succession. Simultaneously, beginning farmers are finding it harder to start...

  8. The View from the Table: An Analysis of Participant Reactions to Community-Based Dialogues on Food and Justice

    While Portland, Oregon's sustainable food movement wins accolades for explicitly situating itself in opposition to the industrialized global food system, it often fails to address systems of oppression that are...

  9. The Landscape of Food Production

    The celebration of the 40th anniversary of Senate Bill 100 provides us with an excellent opportunity to reflect on metropolitan Portland’s agricultural landscape. The landmark legislation passed in 1973 has...

  10. Socio-Spatial Differentiation in the Sustainable City: A Mixed-Methods Assessment of Residential Gardens in Metropolitan...

    As cities take center stage in developing and brokering strategies for sustainability, examining the uneven distribution of green infrastructure is crucial. Urban agriculture (UA) has gained a prominent role in...
