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Searched for: Food Systems
  1. DV 07-26-07 Interview with William Wright

    William is a Korean War veteran. He is very soft spoken and has wild crazy hair. He agreed to be interviewed and it takes place in the kitchen of his home. He paid more attention to the TV that was on in the...

  2. CE 07-21-07 Interview with Bill Black

    Saturday, July 21, 2007 9:42 a.m.

  3. AG 07-22-07 Interview with Jennifer Pittman

    I interviewed Jennifer while the Staubs were having a BBQ for their new neighbors. She is a student at OIT in Klamath and home for the summer in Lakeview. She seemed happy to do the interview and was a valuable...

  4. CE 07-27-07 Interview with Ivan Pack

    Friday, July 27, 2007 9:09 a.m.
