Food Systems

Food Systems

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Searched for: Food Systems
  1. International Perspectives on Sustainable Agriculture in Cuba

    Since the economic crisis following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Cuba has restructured their agriculture with a greater focus on domestic production of domestically consumed produce, and a dramatic...

  2. Travel to Food: Transportation Barriers for the Food Insecure in Tampa Bay

    In partnership with the Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR) at the University of South Florida (USF), the Transportation Innovation Group informed practical transportation solutions aimed at...

  3. Household Food Security and Food Sovereignty : Framing the Future of Hunger and Agriculture

    Globally, agriculture is both threatened by and contributing to the converging, interlinked problems of hunger, malnutrition, climate change, resource competition, and the degradation of natural resources...

  4. The Wild Side : Get Fierce, Get Fit, Get Fun

    Have you ever thought about how a wild animal chooses food? How do they pick food that has the exact vitamin or micronutrient that the body needs?

  5. Develop an App for Food

    The number of people who access the world-wide network “Internet” has increased over the past years. There are many means to access the Internet, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and so on. One of...

  6. Isolated Water Circulation and Filtration System

    One big issue we are addressing is the large amount greywater produced by average households around the country. Still, the main problem is that, in areas affected by drought such as California, people have...

  7. puddl: Gamifying Water Conservation

    As the global population surges, the demand for fresh water will only increase. With no technological breakthrough on the horizon, it is more important than ever to conserve water and not waste this precious...

  8. Implications of Local and Regional Food Systems: Toward a New Food Economy in Portland, Oregon

    The local food movement in the Portland Metro Region of Oregon is as prevalent as anywhere in the Country. To a large degree this is driven by the Portland Metro area food culture and the diverse agricultural...

  9. Chemical Reaction Network Control Systems for Agent-Based Foraging Tasks

    Chemical reaction networks are an unconventional computing medium that could benefit from the ability to form basic control systems. In this work, we demonstrate the functionality of a chemical control system...

  10. Combining Systems Methodologies to Reduce Allergen-Related Food Recalls

    The risk of poor food safety is a major focus for managers in the food manufacturing industry. Despite industry-led and regulatory efforts to improve the overall food safety of US packaged consumer foods,...

