Forest Management

Forest Management

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Searched for: Forest Management
  1. Effectiveness of Forest Management Strategies to Mitigate Effects of Global Change in South-Central Siberia

    We investigated questions about the ability of broad silvicultural strategies to achieve multiple objectives (reduce disturbance losses, maintain the abundance of preferred species, mitigate fragmentation and...

  2. Understory Species Patterns and Diversity in Old-Growth and Managed Northern Hardwood Forests

    Forest management can significantly affect both the diversity and spatial patterning of understory vegetation. However, few studies have considered both diversity and spatial patterning at a stand scale. Our...

  3. Predicted Effects of Gypsy Moth Defoliation and Climate Change on Forest Carbon Dynamics in the New Jersey Pine Barrens

    Disturbance regimes within temperate forests can significantly impact carbon cycling. Additionally, projected climate change in combination with multiple, interacting disturbance effects may disrupt the...

  4. Multimodel Simulations of Forest Harvesting Effects on Long-Term Productivity and CN Cycling in Aspen Forests

    The effects of forest management on soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) dynamics vary by harvest type and species. We simulated long-term effects of bole-only harvesting of aspen (Populus tremuloides) on stand...

  5. Divergent trends in ecosystem services under different climate-management futures in a fire-prone forest landscape

    While ecosystem services and climate change are often examined independently, quantitative assessments integrating these fields are needed to inform future land management decisions. Using climate-informed...

  6. Impactos da exploração madeireira e do fogo em florestas de transição da Amazônia Legal

    A exploração de madeira e os incendios têm causado severos danos a florestas na Amazonia. Faltavam estudos sobre os impactos da exploração e do fogo em florestas de transição entre a floresta ombrófila...

  7. A New Model For Simulating Climate Change and Carbon Dynamics in Forested Landscapes

    Journal of Ecosystems & Management vol. 13 no. 2 2012 news brief .

  8. Simulation Modeling of Forest Landscape Disturbances: Vegetation Dynamics and Biogeochemistry

    This is a book chapter within Simulation Modeling of Forest Landscape Disturbances. Forest landscape disturbances are a global phenomenon. Simulation models are an important tool in understanding these broad...

  9. Climate Change and Fire Management in the Mid-Atlantic Region

    In this review, we summarize the potential impacts of climate change on wildfire activity in the mid­-Atlantic region, and then consider how the beneficial uses of prescribed fire could conflict with...

  10. An Individual-Based Process Model to Simulate Landscape-Scale Forest Ecosystem Dynamics

    Forest ecosystem dynamics emerges from nonlinear interactions between adaptive biotic agents (i.e., individual trees) and their relationship with a spatially and temporally heterogeneous abiotic environment....
