Forest Management

Forest Management

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Searched for: Forest Management
  1. Softwood lumber prices for evaluation of small-diameter timber stands in the Intermountain West

    This paper reports prices for aggregations of lumber grades that are representative of the quality and volume of lumber produced from small-diameter timber stands in the Intermountain West area encompassing...

  2. Management experiments for high-elevation agroforestry systems jointly producing matsutake mushrooms and high-quality timber...

    Experimental prescriptions compare agroforestry systems designed to increase financial returns from high-elevation stands in the southern Oregon Cascade Range. The prescriptions emphasize alternative approaches...

  3. Composition, volume, and prices for major softwood lumber types in western Oregon and Washington, 1971-2020

    An analysis of lumber prices provided regressions for price trends during the period 1971-95 for composite lumber grades of major timber species found in the Pacific Northwest west of the crest of the Cascade...

  4. Growth and yield of western larch under controlled levels of stocking in the Blue Mountains of Oregon

    Repeated thinning to five growing-stock levels resulted in widely differing tree sizes and volumes per acre after 30 years. Largest trees but the least cubic-volume yield per acre were produced in the heaviest...

  5. Lodgepole pine development after early spacing in the Blue Mountains of Oregon

    Seedlings were thinned to spacings of 5, 9, 12, 15, and 18 feet and measured periodically. Twenty-seven years after treatment, quadratic mean diameters increased curvilinearity (p < or = 0.05) as spacing...
