Forest Management

Forest Management

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Searched for: Forest Management
  1. Developing optimal programs for thinning young-growth Douglas-fir stands

    Foresters in the Pacific Northwest are directing increasing effort into the management of young-growth forests. These foresters find themselves in a transition period in which they are beginning to develop the...

  2. A model of forest nitrogen cycling to assess the effects of management intensity on long-term productivity in Douglas-fir...

    The objective of this study was to assess the effects of

  3. Mapping and managing poorly stocked Douglas-fir stands

    Declared out of print December 2009. Facts and recommendations in this publication may no longer be valid. Please look for up-to-date information in the OSU Extension Catalog:...

  4. Effects of different yield functions and initial inventory on harvest schedules for Douglas-fir

    The procedure of forest level harvest scheduling

  5. Predicting basal area growth in young-growth Douglas-fir using crown competition factor

    A comparison between crown competition factor and basal area as to their ability to predict future basal area growth was conducted. It was shown that for a single age and site combination there was no real...

  6. Effects of light preconditioning on the seasonal water relations of nursery-grown Douglas-fir

    Douglas-fir seedlings of a single seed source were grown in a nursery under three levels of light intensity: 9, 44, and 100 percent of full light. Growth over an entire growing season was monitored in terms of...

  7. Effects of herbaceous weed control on young Douglas-fir moisture stress and growth

    Profitable, even-aged forest management depends on the early establishment

  8. Nutrient cycling under 450-year-old Douglas-fir stands

    To investigate the movement of elements (N, P, k, Ca, and Mg) from the tree crowns by natural litterfall and leave wash, plots were established on six 450 year-old growth stands at the H. J. Andrews...

  9. Pre-harvest measures to reduce the weight of second-growth Douglas-fir

    The primary objective of this study is to explore the possibilities of two methods to reduce the weight of small commercial timber prior to logging. The two methods studied are injection of cacodylic acid and...

  10. Geographical variation in apparent net photo-synthesis of Rocky Mountain Douglas-fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca

    Rates of apparent net photosynthesis were measured on a sample
