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  1. Researchers Pool Knowledge about Antarctic Dry Valleys

    Most of us think of ice when we think of the Antarctic, and rightly so, considering that only 5% of it is ice-free. Dry valleys--the ice-free areas--have sandy, rocky valley floors, ice-covered lakes, and...

  2. Grounding-line basal melt rates determined using radar-derived internal stratigraphy

    We use ice-penetrating radar data across grounding lines of Siple Dome and Roosevelt Island, Antarctica, to measure the spatial pattern, magnitude and duration of sub-ice-shelf melting at these locations....

  3. The Effect of Glaciers on Streamflow Variations

    The effect of temperate glaciers on runoff variations is examined for the North Cascade Mountains of Washington State. The principal influences of glaciers on streamflow are often unexpected contributions to...

  4. Women in Glaciology, an Historical Perspective

    Women's history in glaciology extends as far back in time as the discipline itself, although their contributions to the scientific discourse have for all of that history been constrained by the sociopolitical...

  5. The Role of Lateral and Vertical Shear in Tributary Flow toward a West Antarctic Ice Stream

    Narrow lateral shear margins are the most distinctive visual feature of the West Antarctic ice streams. Large shear stresses within these layers support the majority of the gravitational driving stress within a...

  6. Propagation of long fractures in the Ronne Ice Shelf investigated using a numerical model of fracture propagation

    Long rifts near the front of the Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica, are observed to begin as fractures along the lateral boundaries of outlet streams feeding the shelf. These flaws eventually become the planes along...

  7. Glacier Status and Contribution to Streamflow in the Olympic Mountains, USA

    The Olympic Peninsula, Washington, USA, currently holds 184 alpine glaciers larger than 0.01 km² and their combined area is 30.2 ± 0.95km². Only four glaciers are >1km² and 120 of the others are -¹...

  8. Quantifying Twentieth Century Glacier Change in the Sierra Nevada, California

    Numerous small alpine glaciers occupy the high elevation regions of the central and southern Siena Nevada, California. These glaciers change size in response to variations in climate and are therefore important...

  9. Introduction to Special Section on Microcosms in Ice: The Biogeochemistry of Cryoconite Holes

    Cryoconite holes are small, water filled, cylindrical melt-holes on glacial ice surface. Cryoconite, 'cold dust,' refers to the thin layer of sediment at the hole bottom. The holes form from surficial sediment...

  10. Response of Antarctic Cryoconite Microbial Communities to Light

    Microbial communities on polar glacier surfaces are found dispersed on the ice surface, or concentrated in cryoconite holes and cryolakes, which are accumulations of debris covered by a layer of ice for some or...

