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  1. Extensions of the proportional hazards loglikelihood for censored survival data

    The semi-parametric approach to the analysis of proportional hazards survival data

  2. Toward establishing the validity of the transformative optimism construct measurement for tsunami preparedness : a structural...

    Measurements of social constructs that evaluate natural hazard preparedness are important to decrease natural hazard vulnerability. Preparedness reduces natural hazard impacts and human vulnerability....

  3. Incorporating climate change and morphological uncertainty into coastal change hazard assessments

    To the best of our knowledge, one or more authors of this paper were federal employees when contributing to this work. This is the publisher’s final pdf. The published article is copyrighted by the author(s)...

  4. Agroclimatic hazards of the Fort Rock Basin : perceptions and mitigation strategies among cow-calf operators and cash-crop...

    A recent surge in the development of irrigated agriculture in

  5. Prediction of hazardous Columbia River bar conditions

    In this study methods were developed for the prediction of wave

  6. The status of hazardous materials management technology skills standard competencies in partnership for environmental...

    The management of hazardous materials is a rapidly expanding global concern and the need for Hazardous Materials Management Technicians is increasing to keep up with this demand. During the late 1980's,...

  7. Six months with the NOAA oil and hazardous materials project : an account of experiences and impressions

  8. Probabilistic analysis and mapping of seismically induced landslide deformation in Oregon

    Landslides are ubiquitous within the state of Oregon, imposing an annual estimated cost of more than $10 million. Weak, saturated soils at steep slopes combined with persistent rainfall throughout most of the...

  9. Ten months as an intern with NOAA's hazardous materials response project

  10. Affable Akutan - History and Hazards

    A history and analysis of hazards and mitigation efforts for Akutan Volcano, Alaska.
