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Health and Wellness

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Searched for: Health and Wellness
  1. Exploring Dietary Sacrifice in Intimate Relationships for Couples with Celiac Disease

    Prior research on eating behaviors has shown that romantic partners actively merge their dietary preferences throughout the course of a relationship and find significant value in cooking and eating the same...

  2. Motivations of Yoga Teachers and the Impact of Training and Teaching

    Objective: Most research on yoga focuses on efficacy with physical and mental health conditions. Little attention is given to yoga teachers. This project focused on motivations to engage in yoga teacher...

  3. Work-Family Conflict, Family-Supportive Supervisor Behaviors (FSSB), and Sleep Outcomes

    Although critical to health and well-being, relatively little research has been conducted in the organizational literature on linkages between the work-family interface and sleep. Drawing on Conservation of...

  4. Psychological and Social Impacts Associated with Contamination from the Woolfolk Chemical Works Plant in Fort Valley, Georgia

    147 pages

  5. Real-Time Monitoring of Personal Exposures to Carbon Dioxide

    Elevated indoor CO2 levels are indicative of insufficient ventilation in occupied spaces and correlate with elevated concentrations of pollutants of indoor origin. Adverse health and well-being outcomes...

  6. The Role of Recovery from Work in Work Stress-Related Drinking

    Alcohol consumption has been linked to numerous adverse health and well-being outcomes; therefore determining what motivates individuals to drink is of utmost importance. One reason individuals may drink is to...

  7. Count her in: a report about women and girls in Oregon


    "We have crunched the numbers. We have traveled the state. We have consulted the experts. We have listened to women in nearly every county. The result is Count Her In: the most expansive, actionable, and...

  8. Multnomah County Project Launch Evaluation

    Early childhood is a critical time in human development. Any experience, positive or negative, can influence long-term outcomes for physical, emotional, social, and cognitive health (Center on the Developing...

  9. The Effects of Organizational Justice and Exercise on the Relationship between Job Stressors and Employee Health

    Recent decades have seen an explosion of research centered on understanding the influential impact that job stressors have on employees' subjective well-being, and now more recently, on objective assessments of...

  10. Exploring the Positive Utility of Travel and Mode Choice

    Why do people travel? Underlying most travel behavior research is the derived-demand paradigm of travel analysis, which assumes that travel demand is derived from the demand for spatially separated activities,...
