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Health and Wellness

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Searched for: Health and Wellness
  1. Social Support in an Urban Moroccan Neighborhood: the Effects of Social Networks, Mediation and Patronage on the Physical...

    Although there has been a great deal of research in the areas of social networks, social support and well-being over the past two decades, little of that research has been cross-cultural, and virtually none has...

  2. Effects of Positive Action on the Emotional Health of Urban Youth: A Cluster-Randomized Trial

    This is an author's peer-reviewed final manuscript, as accepted by the publisher. The published article is copyrighted by Elsevier and can be found at:...

  3. The Sexual Health of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Youth

    Although persons of different sexual and gender orientations often get grouped together under the term “LGBTQ” (for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning), it is important to distinguish...

  4. The IGNITE (investigation to guide new insight into translational effectiveness)Trial: Protocol for a Translational Study of...

    Background: Worksites are important locations for interventions to promote health. However, occupational programs with documented efficacy often are not used, and those being implemented have not been studied....

  5. Facilitators and Barriers to Contraceptive Use among College-Age Latinas:

    This study explored factors that affect acquisition and proper use of contraception

  6. A Comparative Study between Mental Health of Homeless Populations in the United States and Spain

    Many people around the world suffer from a mental illness, and too few receive the help they need. Mental illness is especially prevalent among the homeless. Homelessness is represented in all ages,...

  7. Curanderismo and Health Delivery Services

    This study explores and describes curanderismo (folk curing) and the cultural disease concepts of mollera caida, empacho, mal de ojo, and susto as researched in a rural Oregon community. Chicano cultural...

  8. Defining the qualities of an equine-facilitated mental health horse or pony: An introductory survey

    Equine-facilitated mental health (EFMH) is a practice within equine-assisted therapy

  9. Growing old and going straight: examining the role of age in criminal career termination

    This study was designed to investigate mid-life desistance from crime as a function of general mid-life change. Adult developmental theory postulates that major occupational or lifestyle changes occur during...

  10. Device, Method, and Algorithm to Assess Changes in Cardiac Output via Intracardiac Impedance Monitoring

    Cardiac output, the volume of blood pumped by the heart over time, is a powerful clinical metric used by physicians to assess overall cardiac health and patient well-being. However, current cardiac output...

