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Health and Wellness

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Searched for: Health and Wellness
  1. State Experiences with Affordable Housing Plus Services: Report to Seniors and Persons with Disabilities, On The Move

    Housing developers, providers, policy makers, and advocates, increasingly recognize that for some groups of individuals, access to affordable housing alone is "not enough." That is, some individuals require...

  2. Racial Discrepancies in the Association Between Paternal vs. Maternal Educational Level and Risk of Low Birthweight in...

    Background: The role of paternal factors in determining the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes has received less attention than maternal factors. Similarly, the interaction between the effects of race and...

  3. Satisfaction With Provider Communication Among Spanish-Speaking Medicaid Enrollees

    OBJECTIVE: To determine if differences between English- and Spanish-speaking parents in ratings of their children's health care can be explained by need for interpretive services.

  4. The World Health Organization Age-Friendly Cities Project in Portland, Oregon, USA

    The older population is increasing in size in Portland, the state of Oregon, the United States, and the rest of the world. Our cities and regions are vital to the support of this demographic shift through the...

  5. The Health and Housing Specialist: An Emerging Job Classification to Support Aging in Place in Subsidized Housing

    As the U.S. population ages, the availability of workers with a basic understanding of aging and health-related services has not kept pace. This is true in traditional health care organizations such as...

  6. Potentially Traumatic Experiences and Sexual Health Among Orphaned and Separated Adolescents in Five Low- and Middle-Income...

    Orphans and separated children (OSC) are a vulnerable population whose numbers are increasing, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Over 153 million children worldwide have lost one or both parents,...

