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Health and Wellness

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Searched for: Health and Wellness
  1. Reducing the Negative Human-Health Impacts of Bioenergy Crop Emissions through Region-Specific Crop Selection

    An expected global increase in bioenergy-crop cultivation as an alternative to fossil fuels will have consequences on both global climate and local air quality through changes in biogenic emissions of volatile...

  2. Program Sustainability: Hearing Loss and Tinnitus Prevention in American Indian Communities

    INTRODUCTION: An important goal of any health promotion effort is to have it maintained in delivery and effectiveness over time. The purpose of this study was to establish a community-based noise-induced...

  3. A Livelihood Intervention to Improve Economic and Psychosocial Well-Being in Rural Uganda: Longitudinal Pilot Study

    HIV and poverty are inextricably intertwined in sub-Saharan Africa. Economic and livelihood intervention strategies have been suggested to help mitigate the adverse economic effects of HIV, but few intervention...

  4. Urban and Non-Urban Differences in Community Living and Participation Among Individuals with Serious Mental Illnesses

    Despite a wealth of studies examining the relationship between urbanicity (i.e., living in an urban area) and psychological distress, there is a paucity of research examining the relationship between...

  5. Oregon Community-Based Care Survey: Assisted Living, Residential Care, and Memory Care

    This report, prepared by the Institute on Aging (IOA) at Portland State University (PSU) in collaboration with the Oregon Department of Human Services, describes community-based care (CBC) settings that provide...

  6. Geogenic Cadmium Pollution and Potential Health Risks, With Emphasis on Black Shale

    Cadmium (Cd) is a non-essential trace element that is toxic to humans. Previous studies of Cd in the environment have primarily focused on pollution resulted from anthropogenic sources, but little is known on...

  7. Three-Year Change in the Wellbeing of Orphaned and Separated Children in Institutional and Family-Based Care Settings in Five...

    Background: With more than 2 million children living in group homes, or "institutions", worldwide, the extent to which institution-based caregiving negatively affects development and wellbeing is a central...

  8. Developing Requirements for all the Oregon All-Payerall-Claims (APAC) Database

    For our group project, we sought a database that was sizeable enough to necessitate advanced Data mining techniques while being common enough that the implications of the data and the business questions are...

  9. How to Make Stone Soup: Is the “Paleo Diet” a Missed Opportunity for Anthropologists?

    For the past few years, people everywhere have been “going Paleo.” Websites and social media touting the benefits of eating a “Paleo diet” and following a “Paleolithic life style” serve as calls to...

  10. Unmet Core Needs for Self-Determination in HIV-Infected Women of Color in Medical Care

    The levels of satisfaction of the core self-determination needs (relatedness, autonomy and competence) among HIV-infected women of color as well as the association between need fulfillment and patient...
