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Health and Wellness

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Searched for: Health and Wellness
  1. Using Biomedically Relevant Multimedia Content in an Introductory Physics Course for Life Science and Pre-health Students

    We will describe a one-quarter pilot algebra-based introductory physics course for pre-health and life science majors. The course features videos with biomedical experts and cogent biomedically inspired physics...

  2. Ensemble Machine Learning and Forecasting can Achieve 99% Uptime for Rural Handpumps

    Broken water pumps continue to impede efforts to deliver clean and economically-viable water to the global poor. The literature has demonstrated that customers’ health benefits and willingness to pay for...

  3. Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Modeling of the Chehalis River in Washington

    The Chehalis River Basin is located in the southwest region of Washington and is over 125 miles long flowing through agricultural, residential, industrial, and forest land. Four major rivers, many smaller...

  4. Data Sources Regarding the Nonmedical Use of Pharmaceutical Opioids in the United States

    Objective—Recent increases in the nonmedical use of pharmaceutical opioids and the adverse outcomes associated with them have stimulated a large amount of research and data collection on this public health...

  5. Adoption Criteria Evaluation of Activity Tracking Wristbands for University Students

    Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are reshaping our world. Companies keep launching their innovations in different industries. Some of these technologies have well-defined but limited customer...

  6. Twitter Graduate School: Teaching Health Sciences Students to Utilize Social Media to Address Issues in Healthcare

    Although many use Twitter for fun, to read celebrity gossip, and to keep up with friends, it is also a powerful current awareness tool. According to a May 2013 survey by the Pew Internet Project, 85% of adults...

  7. Developing Novel Data Services: Data Visualization as an Outreach Tool

    Although the need for data services at academic institutions is well known, researchers often view data management plans mandates as “sticks.” While working with researchers at Oregon Health & Science...

  8. Supervisor-Specific Outcomes of a Work-Family Intervention: Evidence from the Work, Family, & Health Study

    Workplace interventions provide a practical and important means of providing support for employees' work-family needs. However, work-family interventions are rare and are generally not thoroughly evaluated. The...

  9. Faculty Job Satisfaction and Morale in Biomedical Research

    High faculty morale and job satisfaction are vital for optimum performance and important to the quality and vitality of the academic enterprise. However, research on faculty morale and job satisfaction has...

  10. Increasing Youths' Participation in Team-Based Treatment Planning: The Achieve My Plan Enhancement for Wraparound

    Wraparound is a frequently implemented approach for providing individualized, community-based care for children and adolescents with serious mental health conditions and, typically, involvement in multiple...

