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Human Population Dynamics

Human Population Dynamics

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Searched for: Human Population Dynamics
  1. Uncertainty and Risk in the Ecosystems Approach to Fisheries Management: Some Insights from an Ecosystem Computer Simulation...

    Understanding the complexities of ecosystems is difficult enough, but when the human dimension is added to the inherent uncertainty and risk in fisheries management, the actual versus expected results move from...

  2. Bioeconomic Dynamic Modelling of the Chilean Southern Demersal Fishery

    The demersal fishery of southern Chile is a complex system including multiple species, fishing fleets and markets. Fishing activity is conducted under a rights-based system for southern hake (Merluccius...

  3. A Stochastic Viability Approach for Ecosystem-Based Management of Mixed Fisheries: The Case of The Bay of Biscay Demersal...

    Abstract only.

  4. Towards Behavioural Models of Fleet Dynamics

    Considerable attention has been applied to the development of models explaining how fish stocks change over space

  5. The Norwegian Winter Herring Fishery: A Story Technological Progress and Collapse

    Abstract only.

  6. Economics of the Recovery of Fish Stocks: Comparison of A Npv Calculation of A Recovery Strategy With the Real Development of...

    The recovery of fish stocks is in principle an investment decision weighing up short term losses against