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Human Population Dynamics

Human Population Dynamics


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Searched for: Human Population Dynamics
  1. Welfare Effects of Random Fishery Closures

    Abstract only.

  2. Modeling the stochastic dynamics of the aggregate stock in collapsed fisheries: the case of the northern cod

    Abstract Only

  3. A coupled model of the Gulf of Maine lobster, herring and groundfish fisheries

    Abstract onluy

  4. Deterministic Population Dynamics of Fish Stocks at Low Population Sizes: A Parametric Spline Approach

    We develop a methodological approach using splines to analyze the deterministic population dynamics of fish stocks at low stock levels. Considering the aggregate Northern cod stock by way of illustration, we...

  5. Optimizing Dynamic Catch Quotas in Stock Fluctuating Fisheries

    Abstract only.

  6. Incorporating Habitat Dynamics into Bioeconomic Model of Fishery. Application to Artificial Reefs

    In this paper the emphasis is put on an important aspect of renewable resource use that was disregarded until now. It is the evolution of environmental carrying capacity which is traditionally interpreted as a...

  7. Uncertainty and Risk in the Ecosystems Approach to Fisheries Management: Some Insights from an Ecosystem Computer Simulation...

    Understanding the complexities of ecosystems is difficult enough, but when the human dimension is added to the inherent uncertainty and risk in fisheries management, the actual versus expected results move from...

  8. Understanding Rent Dissipation and Optimal Management in Recreational Fisheries: theory

    Abstract only.

  9. Fishery-Based indicators of Management Impact: Assessing Relevance and Robustness Using A Bio-Economic Simulation Model

    Abstract only.

  10. The Dynamics of Fishermen's Compliance

    Research Paper
