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Human Population Dynamics

Human Population Dynamics


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Searched for: Human Population Dynamics
  1. Sex-biased dispersal in a rare butterfly and the implications for its conservation

    To the best of our knowledge, one or more authors of this paper were federal employees when contributing to this work.

  2. Application of Bioeconomic Analyses for Marine Conservation Policy

    The Gulf of California is undoubtedly the Mexican marine region with the most research and conservation efforts. In addition to overfishing issues, it harbors endemic and Critically Endangered populations of...

  3. A coupled model of the Gulf of Maine lobster, herring and groundfish fisheries

    Abstract onluy

  4. Local Extinction and Unintentional Rewilding of Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis) on a Desert Island

    To the best of our knowledge, one or more authors of this paper were federal employees when contributing to this work. This is the publisher’s final pdf. The article was published by the Public Library of...

  5. Toward a general theory of exploitation of fish populations

    A possible form of a theory of exploitation of fish populations was examined. The exploitation theory was derived from a theory of community dynamics that represents the interactions between populations in a...

  6. Statistical Dynamics of the Royal Road Genetic Algorithm

    Metastability is a common phenomenon. Many evolutionary processes, both natural and artificial, alternate between periods of stasis and brief periods of rapid change in their behavior. In this paper an...

  7. DR7a: Changes in ecosystem services and migration in low-lying coastal areas over the next 50 years

    This paper examines the history and current status of ecosystem services in low-lying coastal areas (LLCAs), their potential changes because of wider environmental and social shifts, and the potential impacts...

  8. Deterministic Population Dynamics of Fish Stocks at Low Population Sizes: A Parametric Spline Approach

    We develop a methodological approach using splines to analyze the deterministic population dynamics of fish stocks at low stock levels. Considering the aggregate Northern cod stock by way of illustration, we...

  9. Complexity in host-pathogen dynamics : dispersal uncertainties, metapopulation persistence and the role of a changing climate

    Emerging infectious diseases impact both human and wildlife populations. Infectious agents, in particular the aquatic fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (chytrid), have an influential role in driving global...

  10. Incubation patterns, parental roles, and nest survival of black oystercatchers (Haematopus bachmani) : influences of...

    Shorebirds display great variation in mating systems and breed in dynamic environments that are increasingly subject to human threats worldwide. In order to adequately assess productivity and demography of...

