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Land Use

Land Use

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Searched for: Land Use
  1. An Activity-Related Land Use Mix Construct and its Connection to Pedestrian Travel

    Integrating a diverse set of land use types within a neighborhood is a central tenet of smart growth policy. Over a generation of urban planning research has heralded the transportation, land use, and public...

  2. An Activity-related Land Use Mix Construct and Its Connection to Pedestrian Travel

    Land use mix is a central smart growth principle connected to active transportation. This presentation describes the indicators of local land use mixing and their association with pedestrian travel in...

  3. Land Use and Active Travel: A Complex Relationship

    While it’s accepted that mixed-use development promotes active travel, researchers don’t have a consensus on exactly how land use determines people’s travel patterns.

  4. A Pathway Linking Smart Growth Neighborhoods to Home-Based Pedestrian Travel

    Land development patterns, urban design, and transportation system features are inextricably linked to pedestrian travel. Accordingly, planners and decision-makers have turned to integrated transportation-land...

  5. A Pathway Linking Smart Growth Neighborhoods to Home-Based Pedestrian Travel

    Land development patterns, urban design, and transportation system features are inextricably linked to pedestrian travel. Accordingly, planners and decision-makers have turned to integrated transportation-land...
