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Land Use

Land Use

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Searched for: Land Use
  1. Ecological Homogenization of Urban USA

    A visually apparent but scientifically untested outcome of land-use change is homogenization across urban areas, where neighborhoods in different parts of the country have similar patterns of roads, residential...

  2. The Effects of Global Changes on Fungal Communities: Measuring Biodiversity Belowground

    Global changes resulting from human activities, including elevated levels of greenhouse gases, enrichment of nitrogen and land use changes, have led to substantial losses in biodiversity of macroscopic...

  3. Green Roofs and Urban Biodiversity: Their Role as Invertebrate Habitat and the Effect of Design on Beetle Community

    With over half the world's population now living in cities, urban areas represent one of earth's few ecosystems that are increasing in extent, and are sites of altered biogeochemical cycles, habitat...

  4. Ecoroofs in Multnomah County: Oregon as habitat for the Oregon vesper sparrow and common nighthawk

    78 pages. Examining committee chair:David Hulse

  5. Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species of Oregon

    Extinction is a natural process. Today, however, plant and animal species are disappearing world-wide at an accelerated pace. Based on current trends, half of the species on earth will be extinct within the...
