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Land Use

Land Use

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Searched for: Land Use
  1. An Activity-related Land Use Mix Construct and Its Connection to Pedestrian Travel

    Land use mix is a central smart growth principle connected to active transportation. This presentation describes the indicators of local land use mixing and their association with pedestrian travel in...

  2. A Pathway Linking Smart Growth Neighborhoods to Home-Based Pedestrian Travel

    Land development patterns, urban design, and transportation system features are inextricably linked to pedestrian travel. Accordingly, planners and decision-makers have turned to integrated transportation-land...

  3. Rerouting Mode Choice Models: ​H​ow Including Realistic Route Options Can Help Us Understand Decisions to Walk or Bike

    For a number of reasons—congestion, public health, greenhouse gas emissions, energy use, demographic shifts, and community livability to name a few—the importance of walking and bicycling as transportation...
